Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nelson Jumps Ship

Steadfast was greeted by a smiling welcome committee on Friday, as we came into Compass Cay:  old cruising buddies, dock master, dock hands, and Tucker Rolle  himself--friends and family all.  Nelson received special attention and was warmly welcomed also.  He took them literally.  Almost before the lines and fenders were set, Nelson jumped ship and took off down the dock, heading for freedom in the surf zone.

Let's face it:  little dogs have little brains, and little brains fixate on little things.

For some dogs, it's food.  Nelson barely eats once a day--he could care less.

Some dogs love going for walks.  Nelson likes walks, but that's not  his main thing.

Some dogs thrill to play ball.  Nelson grabs the ball and runs away with it, keeping it all to himself.

What is Nelson's all-comsuming passion?


No little thing really.  Like all of us, he has his favorites, but any beach will do.  He's very partial to the western side of Block Island and he never says no to Port Dalhousie beach at home, but his all time favorite beach is here on Compass Cay.

Since we've been to Compass 4 times already this winter, and have stayed for several days each time, Nelson has learned his way around the island.  On our last stop, he escorted the visitors walking him.  He lead the way, showing which paths to take, which way to turn at intersections and exactly how to find the most beautiful beach in the Bahamas, all by himself.

"Give em an inch and they'll take a mile" seems apropo  here.  During our last visit, we had dispensed with the leash and allowed Nelson free run ashore.  This time, he heard "Welcome Home to Compass Cay" and he was off .

AND he's been off twice more!

He's now called  "Admiral, the Runaway Child" by people on the dock who are getting adept at intercepting and waylaying his escape attempts. 

Our baby is growing up.  (That's what people in denial say, refusing to face the fact that they have totally failed to train an obedient animal.)

What do you say?  Is there any hope in getting this canine to obey?  Should we call in the experts to do home interventions?  Please comment to inform, encourage and support this woe-begone dog owner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say let him go, just as long as he comes back. Its not like there are any snake-bears to eat him there.