Perhaps some readers have been wondering about my posts being so few and far between this season. As more and more very big boats are now frequenting the Central Exumas of the Bahamas, and as the wifi bandwidth has not increased even the tiniest bit, web work was next to impossible all winter. Yes, I got email and FB, but I couldn't follow any links. The one blog post I did from there was only accomplished when I set the alarm and got up at 4am to do it.
I've made it home to Canada, just in time for the wonderful celebrations of Easter, and things are getting back to normal. Now I can post all the fun videos and pictures of fish, Atlantis and Junkanoo. Better late than never, right????
But First....
Amazing news: Since I returned home, I finished the quilted bedspread I began four years ago!!! It amazes ME more than anyone, as I had started thinking it was "The Never Ending Story". Here is the photo to document the achievement and so you can all say "oooo" and "ahhhh". I am so proud of myself!
Okay. Now down to business. In early February (it already seems so long ago) we hosted my sister and brother-in-law on board Steadfast. We picked them up in Nassau and introduced them to the delights of Atlantis after dark.
Have you heard of Junkanoo?
Basically it is a street parade with music, dancing and costumes. Traditionally, these events happen on Boxing Day, New Years Day and sometimes in mid-summer for the tourists. In Atlantis, on Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, the Tradition comes in a scaled-down version, every Saturday after dark. Visitors really get into it, but it's a stretch for the Captain and myself, as we are usually up with the sun and to bed with the birds.
Supper was done. It was 9 o'clock already and we were still waiting for the show to begin. We entertained ourselves with amusements in the village.
We checked out Ben and Jerry's...
We took illegal photos in the basket shop...
we took pictures of each other playing like...
Rum Pirates.
Then we started dressing up!
and being silly!
Peter tried making music of his own. You can see from his expression, he was not impressed.
He sought help from the experts and was encouraged to learn that the toy drums are almost impossible to make a good tone from. The REAL drums are a totally different story.
Finally, we heard the parade coming our way. Goatskin drums, cow bells, horns and whistles. An ear piercing cacophony!! but fabulous, body moving rhythms. I couldn't stand still.
The costumes were spectacular
A great time was had by all.
Well Folks, that's a snippet of Bahamian culture for you. Stay tuned for more island fun in coming days. The days are lengthening and the tulips are trying hard to come up here, in the land of ice and snow. Happy Spring to you all.